Drafting Management's Discussion& Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and other sections of the prospectus or offering memorandum; 草拟管理层财务状况与经营成果讨论与分析和招股说明书或发行备忘录中的其他章节;
All other conditions and requirements not stipulated in this appendix will be formed by friendly discussion Between representative Both of parties and stipulated in the memorandum. 未列入本附件规定的其他条件和要求,将通过双方代表友好协商制定,并列入备忘录。
Begin to be put into effect changing the condition controlling, take notes down at any time before exchanging result to not getting the informal discussion or memorandum, from folk prescription. 对没有获得非正式的会商或备忘录的交流成果之前,由双方开端施行转变节制的状况,随时记载下来。